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Building Rapport with Small Talk in Business



Level: Intermediate to advanced


  • Learn how to engage in small talk in a business context

  • Understand the importance of building rapport with colleagues and clients through small talk

  • Identify appropriate small talk topics and phrases

  • Practice small talk skills through role-playing activities and exercises


  • Whiteboard or virtual whiteboard

  • Handout with small talk phrases and topics

  • Video or audio clip of a business networking event or small talk conversation for listening practice (not included)

Duration: 60 minutes



1. Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Ask learners about their experience with small talk in a business context

  • Discuss the importance of building rapport with colleagues and clients through small talk

  • Explain that the lesson will focus on how to engage in small talk effectively and appropriately


2. Vocabulary and Phrases (10 minutes):

  • Distribute the handout with small talk phrases and topics

  • Go over the phrases and topics together as a class

  • Discuss appropriate and inappropriate small talk topics in a business context


3. Listening Practice (10 minutes):

  • Play a video or audio clip of a business networking event or small talk conversation

  • Have learners listen and take notes on the small talk topics and phrases used

  • Discuss as a class the strategies used to engage in small talk (some ideas on handout).


4. Role-Playing Activities (30 minutes):

  • Divide learners into pairs or small groups

  • Assign each group a scenario for a small talk conversation, such as a business conference, a coffee break with a colleague, or a meeting with a new client. (see handout for more ideas)

  • Have groups prepare and practice a small talk conversation based on the scenario

  • After 10-15 minutes, have groups present their conversations to the class

  • Provide feedback and discuss strategies for improving small talk skills


5. Wrap-Up (5 minutes):

  • Recap the importance of building rapport through small talk in a business context

  • Review appropriate small talk topics and phrases

  • Encourage learners to practice small talk skills in their own work settings


6. Optional Homework:

  • Assign learners to attend a business networking event or engage in small talk with a colleague or client

  • Have learners write a reflection on their experience and what they learned from the lesson



By the end of this lesson, learners will have a better understanding of how to engage in small talk effectively and appropriately in a business context, which will help them build rapport with colleagues and clients.








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